Get to know us

Avedis Daily Mission Statement:

Our identity, mission, and alignment are contained entirely in our name: Avedis Daily.

Avedis is an Armenian name that means "glad tidings" or "good news." Avetis (or Avedis) translates to evangel or gospel in Armenian, referring to the gospel (or good news) of Jesus Christ.

In today’s society, we have noticed that many media outlets combat the Gospel and the Good News by shifting their focus toward their audience’s preferences—feeding them what they want to hear rather than informing them of what they need to know.

Fox News’ own logo is a callback to its roots as Fox Studios, a nod to its origins in movie production. In fact, Fox News is owned by Disney and thus continues to maintain special interests despite its tagline, “Fair and Balanced.” Rather than focusing solely on news, it hyper-focuses on national sentiment differences and engages the Right with largely hyperbolic reporting segments to drive viewership. CNN, considered left-wing, is owned by Warner Bros. Discovery and similarly retains its customer base by catering to its audience to sustain ad revenue.

Politico and NPR, as recent budget audits have shown, have primarily operated as state-run and state-sponsored media for the last 20+ years. Then there are alternative news sources—a mixed bag of Substacks and mid-sized media companies hyper-fixated on playing to their audience. From a business perspective, this makes sense, and we’re not knocking it—some people need that.

While all outlets have contributors who are professional reporters—some of whom have done amazing work throughout their careers—it all seems to revolve around a “give the people what they want” business model.

At Avedis Daily, we are here to give people not what they want, but what they need: The Good News.

At AD, we have a vision where true industry professionals report on themselves and their fields. Our intention is to bring the light of God's Good News and the works of His children to the forefront through true storytelling—reporting on how we, as humans, reflect the image of God, who created us. There is so much humanity does that showcases the amazing gifts and talents God has given us. Here, we seek to highlight those gifts and elevate His kingdom by revealing the works and beauty that exist in this world—despite all the bad.

What Our Logo Represents:

The Mountain:
A recognition of God's first covenant with man and Noah when the Ark came to rest on Mount Ararat.

The "AD":

An abbreviation of our name, proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel and the New Covenant with man in Jesus Christ. Anno Domini = "In the year of the Lord." Also, AD represents the era in which we live—the New Covenant, in which all are called to the glory of God through the sacrifice and resurrection.

Our Contributors take a commitment to our mission when they publish under our logo. We take our logo and mission to heart. Though we may occasionally have a misprint or be given false information, our goal as an outlet is to correct ourselves and serve with humility.

No one here is above reproach or infallible. We seek to inform with truth and love.

Thank you for visiting our website and taking the time to consider our mission. If you would like to become a contributing member or support us with a one-time donation, we have provided a link below.